Dilo con un GIF!!!

[Imagen: 846dc3978ac63c7cfb908126d0330d66ca70933e_hq.gif]

[Imagen: 9rlOhYI.jpg]
Mostrar ContenidoPremios:
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[Imagen: iox9461.gif]
Tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good timeI feel alive and the world I'll turn it inside out - yeahAnd floating around in ecstasySo don't stop me now don't stop me'Cause I'm having a good time having a good timeI'm a shooting star leaping through the skyLike a tiger defying the laws of gravity

[Imagen: tumblr_odvw235UrE1s30ko5o1_500.gif]
[Imagen: db47d80-2a2230de-1f2f-489e-98a6-5c578e41...fuWiVC4VpU]
[Imagen: db47ro2-d3d7f239-c4e2-4ea4-9533-845fdeaf...RalguAmC4A]
[Imagen: J6PYNfJ.gif]

[Imagen: TGS0Lex.png][Imagen: tNp3c5L.png]
[Imagen: BwjcohI.gif]

StarlightI will be chasing the starlightUntil the end of my life
Hold you in my armsI just wanted to holdYou in my arms

[Imagen: B0116EE8941A463C68C064F7E5826D510C8CB0CD]
[Imagen: gATJZRf.png]
[Imagen: QxYj.gif]

[Imagen: 9rlOhYI.jpg]
Mostrar ContenidoPremios:
Mostrar ContenidoCarta Mangaka-Legión:
[Imagen: tenor.gif?itemid=9607254]
-Yo soy la fuerza que fluye.... Yo soy la fuerza que une...[Imagen: 1899544ce6e1e95a1884f260f78df098.jpg]
[Imagen: UZN5XKmbzY75IXa_W3yXlR0-ee4xg6CGJ94Q-090...nKc58-YcUA]
[Imagen: db47d80-2a2230de-1f2f-489e-98a6-5c578e41...fuWiVC4VpU]
[Imagen: db47ro2-d3d7f239-c4e2-4ea4-9533-845fdeaf...RalguAmC4A]
Yo por las mañanas

[Imagen: CF_464_b8bdc951f86c4190b446e77cea2bafd2_...er_hoy.gif]
[Imagen: fhsl9vS.png]
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   ‌ ‌
[Imagen: vO25qE2.png][Imagen: YkY13I7.png]

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