Todos mi Renders/ All of My Renders
Here is all of my renders and some from others.

Aqui son todos mis renders y algunos de otros.

De otros/ From Others:
I'm american but I speak some spanish and use google translate./Soy Americano pero hablo algo de español y uso el traductor de Google.
[Imagen: dd8een2-723c6b43-f277-4a86-bda6-09516ef4...ZlTGYczc0M]
For my YouTube Channel Featuring PS Tutorials, Speed ​​Art, and Video Game Content/Para mi canal de YouTube con tutoriales de PS, Speed ​​Art y contenido de videojuegos:
For my Render's and Artwork Gallery/
Para mi galería de Render's y Artwork:
My Website/
Hello! Thank you very much for the resources! I do not speak english very well
in fact, I probably used the translator to check later if I wrote something,
but I saw some of his videos and they look great.

You can share your networks, and leave your channel there
and maybe other things,  > HERE <

Thanks again for sharing! I will be checking everything

[Imagen: SdQXL9Z.png]
(29-10-2019, 04:05 PM)Heaven escribió: Hello! Thank you very much for the resources! I do not speak english very well
in fact, I probably used the translator to check later if I wrote something,
but I saw some of his videos and they look great.

You can share your networks, and leave your channel there
and maybe other things,  > HERE <

Thanks again for sharing! I will be checking everything

I don't speak spanish very well myself and use google translate. :P So just wanted to ask a few questions. Do I just post on that thread with my socal media links? How does this work?
"Pagina: Banner/imagen: en link Galería en FA:" Do I just post a 100x50px Banner for every social Media Link and a Link to my pages? Where do these go once I post them? 

Yo no hablo español muy bien y uso el traductor de Google. :P Así que solo quería hacer algunas preguntas. ¿Debo publicar en ese thread con mis enlaces de medios sociales?
¿Como funciona esto? "Pagina: Banner / imagen: en link Galería en FA:"
¿Debo publicar un Banner de 100x50px para cada enlace de redes sociales y un enlace a mis páginas? ¿A dónde van estos una vez que los publico?
I'm american but I speak some spanish and use google translate./Soy Americano pero hablo algo de español y uso el traductor de Google.
[Imagen: dd8een2-723c6b43-f277-4a86-bda6-09516ef4...ZlTGYczc0M]
For my YouTube Channel Featuring PS Tutorials, Speed ​​Art, and Video Game Content/Para mi canal de YouTube con tutoriales de PS, Speed ​​Art y contenido de videojuegos:
For my Render's and Artwork Gallery/
Para mi galería de Render's y Artwork:
My Website/
The literal translation that mr. google does is very funny, like a caveman lol 

Hi @entember , and yes, it's exactly like you describe

In that section you can place your social networks, whatever you have where you share your designs

I think you should put an image and clicking on it will take you to your page and / or gallery here in FA through links,
I think it is put just like that only by aesthetic, as you can see, nobody has commented before, so you can be the first 

I hope I have interpreted and answered your question well, otherwise I will return xD
[Imagen: SdQXL9Z.png]
Cita:[font][font]Heaven "[/font][/font]
[font][font]The literal translation that mr. Google does is very funny, like a caveman lol  [/font][/font]

[font][font]Hi @ [/font][/font][font][font]entember[/font][/font][font][font] , and yes, it's exactly like you describe [/font][/font]

[font][font]In that section you can place your social networks, whatever you have where you share your designs [/font][/font]

[font][font]I think you should put an image and clicking on it will take you to your page and / or gallery here in FA through links, [/font][/font]
[font][font]I think it is put just like that only by aesthetic, as you can see, nobody has commented before, so you can be the first  [/font][/font]

[font][font]I hope I have interpreted and answered your question well, otherwise I will return xD[/font][/font]
Thanks for your help I think I get it now. Also yeah google translate isn't the best so that why I leave what I wrote in english incase you can understand that better.

Gracias por su ayuda, creo que lo entiendo ahora. Además, sí, el traductor de Google no es el mejor, así que por qué dejo lo que escribí en inglés en caso de que puedas entenderlo mejor.
I'm american but I speak some spanish and use google translate./Soy Americano pero hablo algo de español y uso el traductor de Google.
[Imagen: dd8een2-723c6b43-f277-4a86-bda6-09516ef4...ZlTGYczc0M]
For my YouTube Channel Featuring PS Tutorials, Speed ​​Art, and Video Game Content/Para mi canal de YouTube con tutoriales de PS, Speed ​​Art y contenido de videojuegos:
For my Render's and Artwork Gallery/
Para mi galería de Render's y Artwork:
My Website/

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