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Superaifu <3
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"glorious evolution"

[Imagen: 2dw1v_zpsdl0skwtb.gif]
【きみ を 愛してる Nana】


You tell me that you’re ready but you just don’t know
My eyes are getting heavy and it’s starting to show
Never seen it coming, never seen a thing,
Maybe I’ll get through what’s ever coming to me.

Cause I’ve been so unlucky I don’t know what to say,
Running out of money I’ve been wasting away,
I never seen it coming never seen a thing,
Maybe I’ll get through what’s ever coming to me.

We fall,
We fall down,
If we fall,
We fall down,
If we fall down hard I’ll be ready to grow.

I’m ready,
I’m ready for it,
I’m ready,
I’m ready for it,
I’m ready,
I’m ready for it all.

Look me in the eye when I am talking to you
It’s easy to get nervous I’ve been feeling it too
Yeah it’s kind of crazy, yeah it’s kind of dumb
But never let the pressure overpower the fun

Yeah I’m sure your parents probably said it to you
Follow what you love and you will love what you do
And never let the pressure tell you that you’re not
Capable of being everything that you want.

We fall,
We fall down,
If we fall,
We fall down,
If we fall down hard I’ll be ready to grow.

I’m ready,
I’m ready for it,
I’m ready,
I’m ready for it,
I’m ready,
I’m ready for it all
Mostrar ContenidoSpoiler:
Anna varney - starlight seen through

Mostrar ContenidoSpoiler:
katy perry - roar

ASMR Happyyy
[Imagen: 826d4e0cc1ad5ec886717ea57729e587.gif]


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